
Monday, March 4, 2013

Garden Facing Winter Photographs

Free flow writing about accepting failure...
How do we tell ancient to immediate stories? Today there are few stories passed down from generation to generation.  There are no stories for me to pass down to my children, except for my specific life.  Are we going to keep repeating failures from the past because we choose to not talk about our lives.  Choosing to look at personal family history is hard when no one wants to be open about it.  Guilt, jealousy, and failures are not allowed in the world today.  We strive for perfection yet how are we perfect if every time you think of the past you have to gulp it back down.  Push the history back, forget, live in the now, never in the past, always looking to the future.  Lies, distrust, and secrets are part of our future.  We say that they are bad people but we're all bad.  I hope I am able to answer any question truthfully and honestly.  Progress happens when we accept failure as something normal.  Do not banish someone because they were violent or stupid, instead ask why in order to improve and teach the community.  Forgive and love in the now for the future. 

 "Art as history, and history as art, without them, the knowledge and the people vanish." - Aboriginal unknown person. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Failure is so prevalent, has permeated our society so completely that the standard has become to accept NONE of it as our own. To pawn it off on others and then create division and put US in one camp and THEM in another.

I wake up and fail over and over again. I might get a few things right too. Right now, Julian is playing with wires while I write this. I've failed as a dad. I got yogurt covered pretzels instead of chocolate covered and Tiff doesn't like yogurt covered. I failed. It may have been better if I had no pretzels.

I have also been stupid and mean but that doesn't mean I'm stupid or mean. I'm neither.

I also hope to answer any question honestly, although it will cause me more trouble than anything else.